The Season of Tea

Just in time for the shorter days and cooler nights the Well Fed Garden has come out with a new selection of local teas. We have grown, dried and packaged all the herbal teas at the Well Fed Garden. They make the perfect evening cup of tea after a meal at the Irregardless and are a great gift for anyone.

The Process:

Step 1: the herbs

All of our herbs are grown organically at the Well Fed Garden. We use sustainable practices to produce a variety of healthy and tasty herbs for our teas.

Step 2: harvest

Here is a sample of our oregano harvest. We aim to harvest all of our herbs when they are in peak freshness. Rosemary, mountain mint, and cilantro are examples of cool season herbs. Tarragon, basil, and chamomile are warm season herbs. Some herbs like oregano and sage are available almost all year.

Step 3: dehydrate

We dehydrate the herbs to preserve them all year. We dehydrate each herb separately to preserve their unique flavor and scent.

Step 4: the blend

We have a unique selection of home-made blends.

Our Lemon Tulsi is a calming blend of lemon verbena, tulsi, and tarragon flowers.

Our Lavender includes the buds and leaves of the French Lavender plant known for its aromatherapeutic qualities.

Our Garden Mist is the newest blend of mountain mint, oregano, and thyme. It is a refreshing pick me up for those winter blues.

We are continuously creating new blends. Find more of our blends at the Irregardless Cafe.

Step 5: Enjoy

There is nothing better than to steep a warm cup of tea after a cold morning working on the farm.

Written by Morgan Malone, Garden Manager