About: Photo of patrons visiting the garden

Our Urban Farm

Located at 1321 Athens Drive, The Well Fed Community Garden welcomes everyone to ‘Enter the Garden’ and get involved.


The Well Fed Community Garden is an urban community and market garden located in southwest Raleigh. We are dedicated to reconnecting folks to the source of their nourishment through plants, animals, soil, air, water, and friendship. We produce beautiful, nutritious food utilizing no-till, biointensive, regenerative practices focusing on soil health and community. Our 1.5 acre space hosts our community garden, market garden, a demonstration food forest and pollinator habitat, and an event space. We strive to donate 20% of the produce we grow to our community. The produce we sell supports the operations of the garden.


Regenerative farming practices are used to cultivate spring, summer, fall, and winter crops each year.  The ‘season extension’ tunnels grow cold-tolerant crops throughout the winter.  To increase yields of produce, cover crops, mulches, compost, and mineral supplements are employed to build healthy soil. No conventional fertilizers or pesticides are used, however, integrated pest management is practiced through scouting, crop rotation, attracting beneficial insects, and companion planting.


‘Enter the Garden’ and discover an amazing world that transforms a tiny seed into okra or a tomato. Connect with the soil full of millions of life forms working in partnership with plants.

Breathe the air, feel the wind, and drink pure water from the Garden’s well.


We are offering you many different ways to ‘Enter the Garden’ through volunteering, attending a workshop, shopping at our weekly farm stand, and touring the garden – you are welcome to experience the garden!

Why Eat Locally Grown Foods?

  • It tastes better and has more nutrients
  • Supports the local economy, creates jobs
  • Saves energy used in transportation
  • Reduces the ‘Carbon Footprint’ of food
  • Promotes a safer food supply

Why Urban Agriculture & Community Gardens Benefit our Community

  • Increased access to healthy foods for those in need – creates food security
  • When people see vegetables and fruits growing in the ground, they are much more likely to eat more vegetables – the current guidelines recommend that 50% of our daily diet be vegetables and fruit – creating behavior change and a healthier community
  • Gardening increases rates of exercise and has a positive impact on obesity rates and other health outcomes
  • Reduces rates of vandalism and increases property values
  • Being outside in nature improves mental health
  • Green spaces in urban environments moderates climate extremes

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